Proton Pump Inhibitor Lawyers in Chicago

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Medicines meant to help us sometimes cause unexpected harm. If you’re reading this page, you or someone you love has likely suffered an injury or illness from using proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). While these medications were meant to help people deal with heartburn and similar conditions, studies show they can cause serious health problems, creating a distressing situation for many. Patients who have used PPIs are holding drugmakers accountable by taking them to court.

Here at Wallace Miller, we understand how challenging this situation can be, and our Chicago prescription drug lawyers are here to guide you every step of the way. We can help you understand the implications of your situation, evaluate the strength of your case, and take the necessary actions to seek the justice you deserve. By entrusting us with your case, you’re not just getting a team of legal professionals – you’re gaining compassionate allies who genuinely care about your well-being. Call (312) 261-6193 or complete our contact form for a free consultation today.

What is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI)?

Proton pump inhibitors are a type of medication that doctors prescribe to help people with stomach acid problems. These problems might include heartburn, stomach ulcers, acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

To understand how PPIs work, picture your stomach as a tiny factory. This factory’s job is to produce stomach acid, a powerful substance that helps you digest food. Now, in a healthy stomach, the factory produces just the right amount of acid. But sometimes, the factory goes into overdrive and makes too much acid. This is where PPIs come in.

PPIs work like a dimmer switch for your stomach’s acid factory. They reduce the amount of acid the factory makes, helping to balance things out and alleviate the discomfort associated with conditions like heartburn and acid reflux.

Common PPI brand names and generics

Below is a list of brand name proton pump inhibitors and their generic equivalents. The list is in alphabetical order for easy reference:

  • Aciphex, Aciphex Sprinkle (rabeprazole)
  • Dexilant, Dexilant Solutab formerly known as Kapidex (dexlansoprazole)
  • Nexium, Nexium IV, Nexium 24 HR (esomeprazole)
  • Prevacid, Prevacid IV, Prevacid 24-Hour (lansoprazole)
  • Prilosec and Prilosec OTC (omeprazole)
  • Protonix (pantoprazole)
  • Vimovo (esomeprazole magnesium and naproxen)
  • Yosprala (aspirin and omeprazole)
  • Zegerid, Zegerid OTC (omeprazole and sodium bicarbonate)

If you’ve taken any of these medications and are experiencing health problems, talk to a lawyer immediately, as you may have the right to compensation.

Illnesses and injuries linked to proton pump inhibitors

While proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) can help manage stomach acid-related conditions, there’s increasing concern about the potential health risks associated with their long-term use. Some of the illnesses and injuries that long-term PPI use can cause include:

  • Kidney problems: This could range from chronic kidney disease to kidney inflammation (known as interstitial nephritis) and, in severe cases, even kidney failure.
  • Bone fractures: Scientific studies and FDA warnings suggest that long-term, high-dose PPIs might weaken bones, increasing the risk of fractures, particularly in the hip, wrist, or spine.
  • Stomach infections: By reducing stomach acid, PPIs could increase the risk of certain stomach infections, including a harmful bacterium called Clostridium difficile.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency: Stomach acid helps the body absorb Vitamin B12. Over time, PPI use might lead to a deficiency in this crucial vitamin, causing symptoms like fatigue, nerve problems, and memory issues.
  • Magnesium deficiency: According to an FDA safety announcement, long-term use of PPIs may also lead to low levels of magnesium in the body, which could cause symptoms ranging from fatigue and muscle weakness to serious heart rhythm issues.

Potential compensation from a PPI lawsuit

By filing a PPI lawsuit, you could potentially recover compensation for many physical, emotional, and financial losses you’ve experienced. With the proper legal guidance, you could claim compensation for:

  • Medical expenses: This can include doctor’s visits, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and any ongoing medical care you might need due to the injury or illness linked to PPI use.
  • Lost wages: If your health condition caused by PPI use has forced you to miss work or has limited your ability to work, you could receive compensation for these lost wages.
  • Pain and suffering: This is a bit harder to put a dollar amount on, but the physical pain and emotional distress you’ve endured due to your health problems can also be included in your compensation.
  • Future earnings: If your illness or injury affects your ability to earn a living in the future, a lawsuit might help you recover these potential losses.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life: If your injury or illness has restricted you from enjoying your regular hobbies, activities, and overall life satisfaction, you could receive compensation for your loss.

Statute of limitations for PPI lawsuits

In Illinois, the statute of limitations on personal injury claims says you have two years from your injury date to file a lawsuit. However, if you did not discover your injury or illness immediately, you might have additional time to file a lawsuit. Call our firm today to protect your right to compensation.

How our PPI lawyers can help

A legal battle can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with health issues linked to proton pump inhibitors. That’s where a personal injury attorney can make a difference. Here’s how we at Wallace Miller can help you with your PPI lawsuit:

  • Understanding the legal process: Personal injury and product liability law is a complex subject, with lots of jargon and procedures that might seem confusing. Our attorneys can break down this process into understandable terms, guiding you through each lawsuit stage.
  • Investigating your case: We will thoroughly investigate your situation, gathering all necessary evidence to build a strong case. This can include medical records, expert testimonials, and research about the PPI in question.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies: Insurance companies can be tough to deal with, as they want you to settle for less than you deserve. Our experienced attorneys know their tactics and can negotiate on your behalf to seek a fair settlement.
  • Representing you in court: If your case goes to trial, we can represent you passionately and professionally, presenting a compelling case to the judge and jury.

Taking a proton pump inhibitor was supposed to improve your health, not make it worse, and our lawyers can help you in your journey toward justice. Call (312) 261-6193 today or fill out our contact form for a free case review.

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