If you sustained an injury from a defective medical device, do not hesitate to contact the product defect and mass tort attorneys of Wallace Miller for legal representation. You might be entitled to compensation from the manufacturer, doctor, or another party responsible for your suffering. We could represent you in an insurance claim or determine whether you’re eligible to join a mass tort lawsuit.
Medical devices can contain defects that cause them to malfunction and injure patients. The manufacturer’s responsibility is to use a safe design and assemble their products according to quality and safety standards. Any error during the manufacturing process can place dangerous medical devices on the market.
At Wallace Miller, our defective medical device lawyers understand the trauma of discovering that a medical device you use doesn’t work as promised. You require additional treatment to heal when you suffer an injury or complications from the defect. It can lead to significant financial strain, especially if you can’t afford your required medical care and related expenses. You might face debt while struggling to pay your bills.
Wallace Miller is ready to represent you and seek the compensation you deserve. We will provide the personalized attention and service you need to get through this challenging time in your life. You can count on our legal team to fight by your side until the end.
Call us at (312) 261-6193 today for your free consultation and learn more about what we can do for you.