Transvaginal Mesh Mass Tort Attorneys
If you suffered adverse effects from defective transvaginal mesh or required additional surgeries, contact the defective medical device lawyers of Wallace Miller today. You might be entitled to compensation for your hospitalization, surgical expenses, and other costs. We could represent you in a mass tort lawsuit against the negligent manufacturer.
Transvaginal mesh is a medical device used to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI) in women. It’s supposed to provide adequate support to the cervix, rectum, and urethra to keep them in place. However, design and manufacturing defects can cause the device to fail and lead to pain, bowel perforation, and recurrence of POP or SUI.
At Wallace Miller, we know the struggles ahead of you as you treat your injuries and pursue legal action against the manufacturer. Simultaneously handling a mass tort case and seeking medical care can be overwhelming. You should not have to take on the responsibility for both. We are ready to take over the legal aspects of your lawsuit so you can focus on your recovery. We will investigate the circumstances of your case and create a strategy to hold the manufacturer liable.
When you hire us, our transvaginal mesh mass tort attorneys will protect your rights and be your advocate during this challenging time in your life. We provide quality representation and services to injured clients around the country. You can count on us to fight by your side for justice and try to reach the best possible outcome.
Call Wallace Miller at (312) 261-6193 or fill out our online questionnaire today for your free consultation and learn more about your available legal options.
September 2024 Update
The legal team at Wallace Miller continues to litigate transvaginal mesh cases and fight on behalf of injured individuals. Our attorneys are actively engaged in the expert discovery process and are working hard to push cases forward and to achieve favorable results for our clients. While the MDL litigation has ceased, litigation in other venues, including New Jersey state court, continues.
How Transvaginal Mesh Works
Transvaginal mesh is a mesh implant for women. Typically, manufacturers use polypropylene, a type of plastic, to make transvaginal mesh. They can also use animal tissue. The device treats symptoms of stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse by providing support to damaged or weakened tissue.
The surgeon inserts the mesh through a small incision in the vaginal wall and implants it into the pelvis. Tissue fixation devices or sutures hold the mesh in place at specific predetermined points in the pelvic floor ligaments and muscles. Cells grow into the pores of the mesh over time, and the blended mesh and cells act as a support system for the damaged tissue and internal organs.
Common Types of Medical Device Defects
Medical devices like transvaginal mesh can contain defects that injure patients. The manufacturer could be liable for errors made at any time during the manufacturing process. The most common types of defects include:
- Design defect – Design defects result from an error during the design, planning, or development phase of a product. An error in these processes makes the device inherently unsafe for consumers.
- Manufacturing defect – Even if the manufacturer follows a safe design, an error, problem, or flaw that occurs while manufacturing the product creates an inherent danger. The consumer can sustain an injury despite using the product as intended.
- Marketing defect – Manufacturers are supposed to test their products and provide adequate warning labels so consumers are aware of potential risks. A marketing defect, also called “failure to warn,” occurs when the manufacturer hides the dangers of a product or doesn’t provide instructions on using it correctly.
The transvaginal mesh mass tort attorneys of Wallace Miller have decades of experience handling defective medical device cases. We can determine whether you’re eligible for a mass tort lawsuit and pursue legal action on your behalf. We will tirelessly work to hold the manufacturer accountable for its wrongdoing and secure the maximum compensation possible.
Common Complications of Defective Transvaginal Mesh
A range of complications can arise after a doctor inserts transvaginal mesh to treat stress urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse. Many women experience significant pain and trouble walking, sitting, and performing routine tasks. In severe cases, the adverse effects require revision surgery to remove the device and repair internal damage.
The most common complications reported from the defects in transvaginal mesh include:
- Infections – Bacteria can grow on the device and cause an infection that spreads throughout the body
- Recurrence – The device fails and leads to SUI or prolapse recurrence
- Pain – The implant can cause tissue perforation or nerve damage and lead to serious pain and scarring
- Erosion – The mesh can erode and cause damage to nearby internal organs or the vaginal wall
- Urinary issues – Difficulty urinating can result from the device blocking the bladder
- Bleeding – Internal bleeding can occur if the mesh punctures tissue, nerves, or organs
If you suffered an injury or complications from defective transvaginal mesh, reach out to Wallace Miller right now so we can discuss how we can help.
Common Injuries Reported After Transvaginal Mesh Surgery
Various injuries can result from a defective transvaginal mesh implant. Symptoms vary in severity and affect different parts of the body. Many women experience multiple symptoms that interfere with their daily routine and quality of life. Injuries can be debilitating and lead to long-term medical problems.
The most common injuries caused by defective transvaginal mesh include:
- Pelvic swelling or pain
- Bowel and bladder issues, such as incontinence
- Infections
- Buttock, leg, or abdominal pain
- Irregular vaginal discharge or bleeding
- Pain during intercourse
- Sharp stabbing sensation in the vagina that worsens with exercise
- Abscesses
- Vaginal scarring
- Organ perforation
Your doctor might be able to remove your mesh implant. However, the procedure is invasive and challenging. Sometimes, removing all or some of the mesh is impossible because it is already fused to the surrounding tissue. Surgically removing transvaginal mesh might require multiple operations, especially if there are internal injuries.
Recalled Transvaginal Mesh Products
The ProteGen Sling was the first mesh product approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1996 to treat stress urinary incontinence. The FDA also approved a range of other mesh devices based on the first product’s design. However, the manufacturer Boston Scientific recalled it after it was on the market for about three years.
The FDA issued various safety notices and ordered manufacturing companies to stop supplying transvaginal mesh due to a high risk of erosion, organ perforation, and other complications. Although multiple manufacturers have since discontinued their mesh devices, they have yet to issue actual recalls.
Discontinuing a product means the company withdraws it from the market and ceases sales. Issuing a recall means the manufacturer warns the public of the dangers and might also pay for adverse effects caused by the defect.
Discontinued vaginal mesh devices include:
Mentor Corporation
- ObTape Vaginal Sling
Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon
- Gynecare TVT Secur
- Gynecare Prosima Pelvic Floor Repair System Kit
- Gynecare Prolift + M Kit
- Gynecare Prolift Kit
Additional Products
- AMS Apogee and Perigee Systems
- AMS Single Incision Sling System
- Sofradim UGYTEX Dual Knit Mesh
- Sofradim UGYTEX Mesh
- Mentor Suspend Sling
- MiniSling
- Adjust TM Adjustable Single Incision Sling
- Surelift Prolapse System
- ECM Surgical Patch
- Bard Avaulta Solo Support System
- Bard Avaulta Plus Biosynthetic Support System
- Surgical Mesh, Polymeric (Promethean)
- Ethicon Gynecare Gynemesh PS Prolene Soft Mesh
Compensation for Injuries from Transvaginal Mesh
Wallace Miller will find out if you qualify for a mass tort case against the transvaginal mesh manufacturer. Mass tort litigation combines lawsuits from a group of plaintiffs into a single case to bring against one defendant. You could participate if you suffered an injury from a defective transvaginal mesh device manufactured by one of the companies named in the lawsuit.
The compensation you receive could compensate you for losses, such as:
- Medical bills
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Out-of-pocket expenses
- Lost wages
- Lost earning capacity
- Disfigurement or scarring
You could recover punitive or exemplary damages as well. This is a form of compensation that punishes the defendant for their actions. Depending on the laws in your state, it is likely that you must show clear and convincing evidence that the defendant acted with a specific degree of negligence or indifference toward the safety of others before you’ll receive this financial award.
Statute of Limitations for a Mass Tort Lawsuit
Mass tort lawsuits aren’t subject to a general statute of limitations. You must observe the timeframe set out by the statute of limitations in the state where you live. The timeframe dictates how long you have to file a lawsuit from the date of the injury. Most states impose statutory periods between one and five years.

Left to right: Nicholas P. Kelly, Edward A. Wallace, Molly Condon Wells, Mark R. Miller, Jessica Wieczorkiewicz, Timothy E. Jackson.
Contact Us
At Wallace Miller, we know how traumatic it can be when a medical device you trusted to relieve your medical condition causes more harm than good. The pain and complications associated with a defective transvaginal mesh implant can affect your job, personal life, and extracurricular activities. It can disrupt your schedule and prevent you from completing everyday tasks.
You deserve to pursue legal action against the manufacturer for supplying a dangerous product. Some transvaginal mesh companies didn’t perform necessary safety tests or warn patients of potential risks and complications. Others lied about safety or misled the public about the effectiveness of their devices.
Wallace Miller understands the financial burden of hiring a lawyer while paying medical bills to treat an injury. It can be expensive and lead to massive debt. We don’t want to burden you with upfront fees or costs, which is why we take cases on contingency. You don’t have to pay our legal fees unless we recover compensation for you.
If you sustained injuries or experienced complications from defective transvaginal mesh, call Wallace Miller at (312) 261-6193 or fill out our online questionnaire for a free consultation right now.